2024-2025 University Student Handbook


A parking permit is not required to park your vehicle on campus, but you are responsible to operate your vehicle according to state and local laws as well as rules and regulations established by the University.

Parking Areas

You may use any parking area not designated for faculty, staff, visitor, handicapped-only or reserved parking. You are prohibited to park on grassed areas or walkways. Vehicles parked in these areas or in other areas marked “no parking” will be towed away at the owner’s expense.

According to state law, the minimum fine for parking in a handicapped-only area without a handicap permit is $100. This will be added to the student’s account and/or be towed immediately.

Winter Parking

Winter parking spots with outlets are available by making a reservation at the Business Office in Taber Hall. With an $80 reservation fee, a spot is reserved from Nov. 1 to April 1. There are plug-in parking spots in Kroeze and Prentice parking lots.

Vehicle Operation

Reckless operation of vehicles endangers the campus and will not be tolerated. Loud radios, squealing tires, faulty mufflers and excessive sounding of horns disrupt the campus. Please operate vehicles with consideration for others. When driven on campus, motorcycles must be confined to the roadway and they must be parked in the parking lots. Guests’ (friends and relatives) automobiles should be operated in accordance with campus regulations.

Tickets and Fines

The Jamestown Police Department (JPD) and UJ Campus Safety will issue tickets when a vehicle is operated or parked in violation of University or city regulations. If you are written a ticket from the JPD, a copy of the ticket issued is filed at the JPD. These fines are to be paid at the JPD. Any questions about tickets/fines should be directed to the JPD, Traffic Division. If you are written a ticket/warning from UJ Campus Safety, there are instructions on the ticket if there is a fine or if you are going to be towed.