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CE-Career Education
CENG-Civil Engineering
CJ-Criminal Justice
CS-Computer Science
DIG-Digital Design
EE-Experiential Education
EESC-Earth and Environmental Science
ENVI-Environmental Engineering
FLAN-Foreign Language
ID-Information LiteracyWriting
MEDT-Clinical Lab Science
MLS-Medical Laboratory Science
NSCI-Foundations of Science
POLS-Political Science
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2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog
University Student Handbook
ACCT 190
Special Topics
ACCT 200
Directed Studies
ACCT 201
Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 202
Principles of Accounting II
ACCT 290
Special Topics
ACCT 300
Directed Studies
ACCT 301
Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 302
Intermediate Accounting II
ACCT 311
Cost/Managerial Accounting
ACCT 325
Governmental & Not-for-Profit Accounting
ACCT 350
ACCT 355
Income Tax Accounting I
ACCT 356
Income Tax Accounting II
ACCT 357
Tax Practicum: VITA
ACCT 390
Special Topics
ACCT 400
Directed Studies
ACCT 451
Auditing I
ACCT 452
Auditing II/SeniorSeminar
ACCT 457
Advanced Accounting
ACCT 490
Special Topics
ACCT 495
Independent Study
ART 103
Art Appreciation
ART 111
Drawing I
ART 112
ART 190
Special Topics
ART 200
Directed Study
ART 209
Figure Drawing
ART 210
Art History I
ART 211
Art History II
ART 212
Drawing II
ART 290
Special Topics
ART 298
Directed Studio Experience
ART 299
Directed Studio Experience
ART 300
Directed Study
ART 302
ART 309
ART 311
A History of Modern Painting
ART 312
Comparative Art Forms: East and West
ART 390
Special Topics
ART 398
Directed Studio Experience
ART 399
Directed Studio Experience
ART 400
Directed Study
ART 490
Special Topics
ART 495
Independent Study
ART 498
Senior Thesis Exhibition
BIOL 108
The Human Body (Lec/Lab)
BIOL 120
Essentials of Biology and Chemistry for Health Sciences
BIOL 150
Introduction to Biology I (Lec/Lab)
BIOL 151
Introduction to Biology II (Lec/Lab)
BIOL 160
Forensic Science (Lec/Lab)
BIOL 180
Field Ecology of Costa Rica
BIOL 190
Special Topics
BIOL 200
Directed Studies
BIOL 201
Biology Orientation
BIOL 208
Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Lec/Lab)
BIOL 209
Human Anatomy and Physiology II (Lec/Lab)
BIOL 210
Medical Terminology
BIOL 216
Microbiology (Lec/Lab)
BIOL 290
Special Topics
BIOL 300
Directed Studies
BIOL 301
Biology Research Methods I
BIOL 302
Biology Research Methods II
BIOL 304
Invertebrate Zoology (Lec/Lab)
BIOL 305
Cell Biology (Lec/Lab)
BIOL 306
Vertebrate Zoology (Lec/Lab)
BIOL 308
Animal Behavior (Lec/Lab)
BIOL 310
Ecology (Lec/Lab)
BIOL 312
Developmental Biology
BIOL 325
BIOL 390
Special Topics
BIOL 400
Directed Studies
BIOL 402
Research Problems
BIOL 412
Molecular Biology (Lec/Lab)
BIOL 413
Biochemistry I
BIOL 414
Biochemistry II
BIOL 430
Genetics (Lec/Lab)
BIOL 435
BIOL 442
Evolution (Lec/Lab)
BIOL 445
Biology Seminar I
BIOL 446
Biology Seminar II
BIOL 490
Special Topics
BIOL 495
Independent Study
BUSN 190
Special Topics
BUSN 200
Directed Studies
BUSN 204
Principles of Healthcare in Business
BUSN 221
Business Management
BUSN 290
Special Topics
BUSN 300
Directed Studies
BUSN 301
Introduction to Financial Planning
BUSN 304
Healthcare Management
BUSN 305
Insurance Planning
BUSN 310
Retirement and Benefits Planning
BUSN 315
Business Law I
BUSN 316
Business Law II
BUSN 320
BUSN 322
Human Resource Management
BUSN 330
Sales and Sales Management
BUSN 333
Banking Regulation and Compliance
BUSN 350
BUSN 351
Financial Management
BUSN 370
Production/Operations Management
BUSN 380
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
BUSN 390
Special Topics
BUSN 400
Directed Studies
BUSN 410
Global Marketing
BUSN 430
BUSN 440
BUSN 450
Estate Planning
BUSN 451
Senior Financial Planning Colloquium
BUSN 455
Strategic Management
BUSN 470
Special Topics (Marketing, Management)
BUSN 475
Marketing Research
BUSN 480
Strategic Marketing
BUSN 490
Community Alliance for Management Consulting (CAMC)
BUSN 495
Independent Study
CE 101
Career Decision Making
CE 401
Job Search Skills
CENG 210
Surveying (Lec/Lab)
CENG 310
Structural Analysis
CENG 330
Wastewater Treatment
CENG 380
Geotechnical Engineering (Lec/Lab)
CENG 420
Transportation Engineering
CENG 431
Hydraulic Engineering
CENG 440
Construction Materials Lab
CENG 441
Steel Design
CENG 442
Concrete Design
CHEM 113
Food, Chemistry, and You (Lec/Lab)
CHEM 114
General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry (Lec/Lab)
CHEM 133
General Chemistry I (Lec/Lab)
CHEM 134
General Chemistry II (Lec/Lab)
CHEM 190
Special Topics
CHEM 200
Directed Study
CHEM 245
Survey of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 290
Special Topics
CHEM 300
Directed Study
CHEM 343
Organic Chemistry I (Lec/Lab)
CHEM 344
Organic Chemistry II (Lec/Lab)
CHEM 345
CHEM 353
Chemical Methods of Analysis
CHEM 354
Instrumental Methods of Analysis
CHEM 373
Inorganic Chemistry I
CHEM 374
Inorganic Chemistry II
CHEM 390
Special Topics
CHEM 400
Directed Study
CHEM 413
Biochemistry I
CHEM 414
Biochemistry II
CHEM 423
Chemical Thermodynamics
CHEM 424
Chemical Dynamics and Quantum Mechanics
CHEM 431
Advanced Lab I
CHEM 432
Advanced Lab II
CHEM 433
Advanced Lab III
CHEM 434
Advanced Lab IV
CHEM 490
Special Topics
CHEM 493
Seminar I
CHEM 494
Seminar II
CHEM 495
Independent Study, Research
CJ 101
Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJ 102
Deviance and Social Control
CJ 190
Special Topics
CJ 200
Directed Study
CJ 202
Writing in Criminal Justice
CJ 290
Special Topics
CJ 300
Directed Study
CJ 311
CJ 312
Police Science
CJ 313
Community Policing and Problem Solving
CJ 320
Crime and Delinquency
CJ 330
Criminal Law and Procedure
CJ 360
Community Engagement in 21st Century Policing
CJ 361
Response to Mental Health & Officer Wellness as a Law Enforcement Organization
CJ 362
Critical Leadership Issues in Policing
CJ 363
Crisis Management Leadership in Policing
CJ 390
Special Topics
CJ 400
Directed Study
CJ 420
Criminal Justice Capstone
CJ 450
Criminal Justice Internship
CJ 490
Special Topics
CJ 495
Independent Study
CJ 497
Criminal Justice Thesis
COLL 100
Student Senate
COLL 200
COMM 101
Introduction to Communication Studies
COMM 102
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
COMM 112
Mass Media and Society
COMM 190
Special Topics
COMM 200
Directed Studies
COMM 201
Oral Interpretation of Literature
COMM 220
Interpersonal Communication
COMM 228
Online Journalism and Social Media
COMM 250
Academic Research and Writing
COMM 290
Special Topics
COMM 300
Directed Studies
COMM 301
Communication Theory
COMM 305
Cross-Cultural Communication
COMM 312
Writing in the Professions
COMM 314
Publicity and PR
COMM 318
Computer Mediated Communication
COMM 320
Organizational Communication
COMM 338
COMM 340
Film Analysis
COMM 360
Nonverbal Communication
COMM 370
Diversity Communication
COMM 380
Foundations of Sports
COMM 390
Special Topics
COMM 400
Directed Studies
COMM 402
International Communication
COMM 405
Conflict Management and Mediation
COMM 410
Communication Honors Research Methods
COMM 415
Sports Information and Media
COMM 490
Special Topics
COMM 495
Internship in Communication
CS 140
Integrated Software Applications
CS 152
Introduction to Web Development
CS 160
Introduction to Computer Principles
CS 170
Structured Programming
CS 179
Special Topics in Programming Languages
CS 180
Object-Oriented Programming
CS 190
Special Topics
CS 200
Directed Studies
CS 201
IT Helpdesk Administration
CS 230
Data Analysis
CS 240
Introduction to Business Intelligence
CS 272
Java Programming I
CS 279
Special Topics in Programming Languages and Their Applications
CS 290
Special Topics
CS 300
Data Structures and Algorithms
CS 309
Computer Organization and Architecture I
CS 322
Windows Server
CS 325
CS 330
Computer Foundations
CS 342
Database Development
CS 360
Comparison of Programming Languages
CS 365
Information Systems Security
CS 372
Java Programming II
CS 373
C# Development
CS 381
Junior Seminar
CS 390
Special Topics
CS 400
Directed Studies
CS 420
Systems Analysis Methods
CS 423
CS 440
Management of Information Systems
CS 441
Dynamic Web Design
CS 471
Game Development
CS 472
Mobile App Development
CS 481
Senior Seminar I
CS 482
Senior Seminar II
CS 490
Special Topics
CS 495
Independent Study
DIG 111
Digital Design
DIG 112
Vector Design
DIG 190
Special Topics
DIG 232
Digital Design and Typography
DIG 251
Graphics Development
DIG 290
Special Topics
DIG 317
Digital Audio and Video Development
DIG 338
DIG 361
Advanced Computer Graphic Design
DIG 371
2D Computer Animation
DIG 381
Junior Seminar
DIG 390
Special Topics
DIG 470
3D Computer Animation
DIG 481
Senior Seminar I
DIG 482
Senior Seminar II
DIG 490
Special Topics
ECON 110
Personal Finance
ECON 190
Special Topics
ECON 200
Directed Study
ECON 201
Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 202
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 290
Special Topics
ECON 300
Directed Study
ECON 309
Global Financial Markets
ECON 314
History of Economic Thought
ECON 350
ECON 354
Global Competition and Strategy
ECON 364
International Economics
ECON 390
Special Topics
ECON 391
American Economic History
ECON 400
Directed Study
ECON 490
Special Topics
ECON 495
Independent Study
EDUC 100
Praxis Preparation
EDUC 190
Special Topics
EDUC 201
Introduction to Teaching
EDUC 202
Science for Elementary Teachers
EDUC 203
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
EDUC 219
Instructional Media and Technology
EDUC 231
Classroom Driver and Traffic Education
EDUC 232
Beginning Driver Problems
EDUC 233
In-Car Instruction
EDUC 234
Organization and Administration of Safety Education
EDUC 251
Geography for Teachers
EDUC 253
Applied Cognitive Theories
EDUC 290
Special Topics
EDUC 301
Methods: Elementary Mathematics
EDUC 303
Introduction to Teaching Students with Exceptionalities
EDUC 305
Managing and Monitoring the Learning Environment
EDUC 306
Multicultural Education
EDUC 310
Reading Methods in Secondary Schools
EDUC 312
North Dakota History
EDUC 313
General Principles of Curriculum and Teaching
EDUC 314
Creative Arts in the Classroom
EDUC 315
Methods: Elementary Social Studies
EDUC 316
Assessment and Evaluation
EDUC 342
Methods: Elementary Language Arts
EDUC 343
Children's Literature and Reading Across the Curriculum
EDUC 344
Young Adult Literature
EDUC 390
Special Topics
EDUC 398
TED Seminar I
EDUC 399
TED Seminar II
EDUC 405
Methods: Elementary Content Reading
EDUC 406
Methods: Secondary Science
EDUC 407
Methods: Secondary Social Studies
EDUC 408
Methods: Secondary English
EDUC 410
Methods: Secondary Mathematics
EDUC 415
Methods: Elementary Science
EDUC 423
Diagnostic & Corrective Reading
EDUC 490
Special Topics
EDUC 498
Student Teaching Seminar
EDUC 499
Student Teaching
EE 100
Intro to Experiential Education
EE 290
Study Tour
EE 300
Internship Preparation
EE 350
EE 450
EESC 110
The Environment and You (Lec/Lab)
EESC 150
Environmental Science (Lec/Lab)
EESC 160
Organismal Biology (Lec/Lab)
EESC 170
Physical Geology (Lec/Lab)
EESC 180
Field Ecology - The Arctic
EESC 181
Culture & Ecology of the Hawaiian Islands
EESC 210
Analytic Methods in Earth Science
EESC 220
Environmental Science Field Skills
EESC 271
Introductory Geology Field Experience
EESC 290
Special Topics
EESC 310
Aquatic Biology & Ecology (Lec/Lab)
EESC 320
Advanced Ecology (Lec/Lab)
EESC 322
Environmental Policy
EESC 360
Botany (Lec/Lab)
EESC 390
Special Topics
EESC 401
Environmental Research I
EESC 402
Environmental Research 2
EESC 410
Introduction to Geospatial Technology (Lec/Lab)
EESC 461
Botany Field Methods
EESC 430
EESC 450
Soils and the Environment
EESC 471
Geology Field Experience
EESC 480
Ornithology (Lec/Lab)
EESC 481
Ornithology Field Methods - BBL Banding Station
EESC 482
Ornithology Field Methods - Nest Site Trapping
EESC 483
Ornithology Field Methods - Geese and Waterfowl
EESC 484
Ornithology Field Methods
EESC 485
Environmental Science Capstone 1
EESC 486
Environmental Science Capstone 2
EESC 490
Special Topics
ENGL 101
Expository Writing
ENGL 102
Argumentative and Analytical Writing
ENGL 190
Special Topics
ENGL 200
Directed Study
ENGL 201
Introduction to Literary Study and Analysis
ENGL 210
World Literature to 1500
ENGL 211
World Literature since 1500
ENGL 230
English Literature to 1785
ENGL 231
English Literature Since 1785
ENGL 250
American Literature to 1865
ENGL 251
American Literature since 1865
ENGL 290
Special Topic
ENGL 300
Directed Studies
ENGL 305
Studies in the British Novel
ENGL 308
Studies in the American Short Story
ENGL 310
Modern Poetry
ENGL 312
Writing in the Professions
ENGL 313
Creative Writing
ENGL 314
Introduction to Rhetorical Theory
ENGL 316
Technical Writing
ENGL 318
Development of American Drama
ENGL 319
Modern British Drama
ENGL 320
British Romantics
ENGL 330
Victorian England
ENGL 331
ENGL 340
Advanced Creative Writing - Poetry
ENGL 341
Advanced Creative Writing - Fiction
ENGL 342
Advanced Creative Writing - Creative Non-Fiction
ENGL 351
History of the English Language
ENGL 360
Studies in the American Novel
ENGL 370
The Images of Woman in Literature
ENGL 390
Special Topic
ENGL 400
Directed Study
ENGL 401
English Grammar
ENGL 414
Multimodal Composition
ENGL 420
African-American Literature
ENGL 490
Special Topics
ENGL 495
Independent Study
ENGL 497
Writing Portfolio
ENGR 101
Introductory Computer-Aided Design
ENGR 110
Introduction to Engineering
ENGR 111
Engineering Fundamentals I
ENGR 113
Engineering Fundamentals II
ENGR 121
Engineering Computing
ENGR 190
Special Topics
ENGR 201
Intermediate Computer-Aided Design
ENGR 210
ENGR 211
ENGR 212
Materials (Lec/Lab)
ENGR 220
Mechanics of Materials
ENGR 290
Special Topics
ENGR 301
Advanced Computer-Aided Design
ENGR 330
Manufacturing Processes (Lec/Lab)
ENGR 340
Fluid Mechanics (Lec/Lab)
ENGR 350
Thermodynamics I
ENGR 351
Thermodynamics II
ENGR 360
Statistical and Linear Methods
ENGR 361
Numerical Methods
ENGR 362
Control Systems
ENGR 363
Introduction to Digital Design
ENGR 364
Signals and Systems
ENGR 370
Machine Design
ENGR 380
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (Lec/Lab)
ENGR 381
Instrumentation and Measurement (Lec/Lab)
ENGR 390
Special Topics
ENGR 401
Classical Mechanics
ENGR 402
Sustainable Engineering
ENGR 410
Engineering Design I
ENGR 411
Engineering Design II
ENGR 420
Intermediate Mechanics of Materials
ENGR 450
Heat Transfer
ENGR 451
Introduction to Combustion
ENGR 460
Finite Element Analysis
ENGR 461
Engineering Statistics
ENGR 470
Machine Dynamics
ENGR 471
ENGR 480
Introduction to Electronic Packaging
ENGR 490
Special Topics
ENVI 301
Environmental Engineering
FLAN 190
Special Topics
FLAN 290
Special Topics
FLAN 390
Special Topics
FLAN 490
Special Topics
FREN 101
Beginning French I
FREN 102
Beginning French II
FREN 190
Special Topics
FREN 191
Special Topics
FREN 200
Directed Studies
FREN 201
Intermediate French I
FREN 202
Intermediate French II
FREN 290
Special Topics
FREN 291
Special Topics
FREN 300
Directed Studies/Special Topics
FREN 310
French Conversation and Composition
FREN 320
French Culture and Civilization
FREN 330
Survey of French Literature
FREN 340
Survey of Francophone Literature
FREN 390
Special Topics
FREN 391
Special Topics
FREN 400
Introduction to French Linguistics (Special Topics)
FREN 490
Special Topics
FREN 491
Special Topics
GER 101
Beginning German I
GER 102
Beginning German II
GER 190
Special Topics
GER 191
Special Topics
GER 200
Directed Studies
GER 201
Intermediate German I
GER 202
Intermediate German II
GER 290
Special Topics
GER 291
Special Topics
GER 300
Directed Studies/Special Topics
GER 310
German Conversation and Composition
GER 320
German Culture and Civilization
GER 330
Survey of German Literature I
GER 340
Survey of German Literature II
GER 390
Special Topics
GER 391
Special Topics
GER 400
Introduction to German Linguistics (Special Topics)
GER 490
Special Topics
GER 491
Special Topics
HIST 190
Special Topics
HIST 200
Directed Studies
HIST 205
Ancient Near East
HIST 207
The United States to 1865
HIST 208
The United States Since 1865
HIST 220
Europe: 1900 to Mid-Century
HIST 222
History of the Middle East
HIST 231
The American West
HIST 244
19th Century Europe
HIST 254
Evolution of War
HIST 262
History of China
HIST 264
The French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon
HIST 268
History of India
HIST 274
History of Medicine
HIST 290
Special Topics
HIST 291
Western Civilization I
HIST 292
Western Civilization II
HIST 300
Directed Studies
HIST 301
Special Readings and Topics in U.S. Studies
HIST 302
Selected Readings and Topics in Non-U.S. Studies
HIST 303
The Civil War and Reconstruction
HIST 304
Medieval Europe
HIST 305
Ancient Near East
HIST 306
Renaissance and Reformation
HIST 307
Ancient Greece
HIST 308
Ancient Rome
HIST 311
Federal Indian Policy
HIST 312
North Dakota History
HIST 316
Religion in American History
HIST 320
Europe: 1900 to Mid-Century
HIST 322
History of the Middle East
HIST 331
The American West
HIST 340
Historiography and the Historical Profession
HIST 344
19th Century Europe
HIST 354
Evolution of War
HIST 362
History of China
HIST 364
The French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon
HIST 368
History of India
HIST 370
American Constitutions and Revolutions
HIST 374
History of Medicine
HIST 390
Special Topics
HIST 391
American Economic History
HIST 400
Directed Studies
HIST 450
Internship in History
HIST 480
Senior Seminar in History
HIST 490
Special Topics
HNRS 110
Disrupting Education
HNRS 210
Monsters and Mayhem: Exploring the History of Science through Fiction
HNRS 215
From Cavemen to Xmen: Evolution and Society
HNRS 220
Good Vibrations - The Art and Physics of Music
HNRS 225
Exotic Lands, Alien Worlds: The British Imperial Romance
HNRS 230
Feeding Mars: Understanding the Impact on Humanity through Literature and Film
HNRS 235
Shades of Grey: Ethics in Healthcare
HNRS 240
Of Plagues & People: The History of Disease
HNRS 245
Psychology of Gaming
HNRS 250
A Beautiful Mind: Psychology at the Movies
HNRS 255
The End of Racism
HNRS 260
Robot Overlord:Human Interact wTech
HNRS 290
Special Topics
HNRS 310
Contemporary Dilemmas
HNRS 390
Special Topics
HNRS 401
Honors Capstone I
HNRS 402
Honors Capstone II
ID 100
Skills for Academic Success
ID 201
College Research Fundamentals
ID 301
Meta Learning
ITAL 101
Beginning Italian I
ITAL 102
Beginning Italian II
ITAL 190
Special Topics
ITAL 201
Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 290
Special Topics
ITAL 390
Special Topics
ITAL 490
Special Topics
JOUR 101
UJ Foundations
JOUR 301
Peer Leaders
KNS 111
Beginning Swimming
KNS 182
Introduction to Kinesiology
KNS 183
Personal Health and Wellness
KNS 185
First Aid/CPR
KNS 190
Special Topics
KNS 200
Directed Studies
KNS 207
Beginning Weight Training and Fitness
KNS 208
Intermediate Weight Training and Fitness
KNS 209
Advanced Weight Training and Fitness
KNS 215
Social and Contemporary Dance I
KNS 216
Social and Contemporary Dance II
KNS 217
Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology I
KNS 218
Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology II
KNS 219
KNS 221
KNS 227
Jimmie Fitness
KNS 223
KNS 225
Disc Golf
KNS 240
Nutrition and Wellness
KNS 242
Sports Nutrition
KNS 249
Theory of Coaching Football
KNS 250
Theory of Coaching Basketball
KNS 252
Theory of Coaching Soccer
KNS 254
Theory of Coaching Wrestling
KNS 255
Theory of Coaching Baseball
KNS 257
Theory of Coaching Track and Field
KNS 259
Theory of Coaching Volleyball
KNS 260
Technology Integration in Physical Education, Health, and Fitness
KNS 261
Methods and Activities for Teaching Elementary Physical Education
KNS 262
Middle School Activities and Materials
KNS 263
High School Activities and Materials
KNS 264
Teaching Fitness Education
KNS 270
Intercollegiate Athletics
KNS 290
Special Topics
KNS 300
Directed Studies
KNS 305
Curriculum, Standards, and Assessment in PE
KNS 309
Basic Biomechanics
KNS 310
Biomechanics of Human Movement
KNS 311
Motor Learning and Development
KNS 325
Fundamentals of Strength & Conditioning
KNS 326
Facility Management and Administration
KNS 346
Adaptive Physical Education
KNS 351
Coaching Principles
KNS 360
Methods in Health Education
KNS 361
Methods in Physical Education
KNS 385
Sport First Aid and Injury Care
KNS 390
Special Topics
KNS 400
Directed Studies
KNS 402
Exercise Physiology
KNS 403
Advanced Exercise Physiology
KNS 404
Exercise Physiology Lab
KNS 410
Methods in Aerobic and Resistance Training
KNS 411
Personal Training
KNS 415
Sociological and Psychological Aspects of Sports
KNS 416
Physical Education/Health & Fitness Administration Internship
KNS 420
Organization and Administration of Physical Education and Athletics
KNS 425
Exercise Science Internship
KNS 431
Exercise Management in Chronic Disease
KNS 433
Health Coaching
KNS 434
Health Coaching Practicum
KNS 451
Senior Seminar in Physical Education/Health & Fitness Administration
KNS 452
Senior Seminar in Exercise Science
KNS 460
Health Careers P.R.E.P.
KNS 490
Special Topics
KNS 495
Independent Study
LDRS 100
Practical Leadership I
LDRS 101
The Servant Leader
LDRS 102
Leadership Applications
LDRS 190
Special Topics
LDRS 200
Practical Leadership II
LDRS 201
Serving Others
LDRS 290
Special Topics
LDRS 301
The Person as Leader
LDRS 302
Service in Leadership
LDRS 390
Special Topics
LDRS 401
Leadership Power, Influence and Creativity
LDRS 402
Leadership Capstone
LDRS 490
Special Topics
MATH 100
Directed Studies
MATH 101
Ideas in Mathematics
MATH 102
Intermediate Algebra
MATH 105
Applied Business Statistics
MATH 106
Mathematical Applications for Management
MATH 111
College Algebra
MATH 112
MATH 113
MATH 130
Applied Calculus
MATH 175
MATH 190
Special Topics
MATH 200
Directed Studies
MATH 205
MATH 230
Fundamentals of Advanced Mathematics
MATH 251
Calculus of Derivatives
MATH 252
Calculus of Integrals
MATH 254
Multidimensional Calculus
MATH 290
Special Topics
MATH 300
Directed Study
MATH 310
Discrete Mathematics
MATH 314
Technology in Mathematics
MATH 315
Linear Algebra and Series
MATH 352
Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 353
Partial Differential Equations
MATH 359
MATH 360
Junior Seminar
MATH 390
Special Topics
MATH 400
Directed Studies
MATH 401
Mathematical Statistics I
MATH 402
Mathematical Statistics II
MATH 404
MATH 405
Real Analysis
MATH 406
Complex Analysis
MATH 410
Secondary Mathematics Education
MATH 412
History of Mathematics
MATH 415
Algebraic Structures
MATH 460
Senior Seminar
MATH 490
Special Topics
MATH 495
Independent Study
MEDT 400
Clinical Lab Science
MLS 332
Introduction to Clinical Hematology
MLS 411
Clinical Chemistry I
MLS 412
Clinical Hematology & Hemostasis
MLS 413
Clinical Immunohematology I
MLS 414
Clinical Microbiology I
MLS 415
Clinical Urinalysis & Body Fluids I
MLS 416
Clinical Immunology & Molecular Diagnostics
MLS 420
Clinical Laboratory Operations
MLS 421
Clinical Chemistry II
MLS 422
Clinical Hematology & Hemostasis II
MLS 423
Clinical Immunohematology II
MLS 424
Clinical Microbiology II
MLS 425
Clinical Urinalysis & Body Fluids II
MLS 431
Clinical Chemistry & Urinalysis III
MLS 432
Clinical Hematology & Hemostasis III
MLS 433
Clinical Immunohematology III
MLS 434
Clinical Microbiology III
MLS 449
Capstone in Medical Laboratory Science
MLS 450
Advanced Clinical Applications in Medical Laboratory Science
MUS 100
Music Performance Seminar*
MUS 101
Music Appreciation
MUS 102
Music in Film
MUS 103
History of Popular Music
MUS 116
Piano Proficiency Level 1
MUS 117
Piano Proficiency Level 2
MUS 118
Piano Proficiency Level 3
MUS 119
Piano Proficiency Level 4
MUS 120
Applied Lessons: Voice
MUS 121
Applied Lessons: Piano
MUS 123
Applied Lesson: Brass
MUS 124
Applied Lesson: Woodwinds
MUS 125
Applied Lesson: Strings
MUS 126
Applied Lesson: Percussion
MUS 127
Applied Lessons: Organ
MUS 160
Harmony/Theory I
MUS 161
Harmony/Theory II
MUS 162
Ear Training I
MUS 163
Ear Training II
MUS 190
Special Topics
MUS 200
Directed Study
MUS 208
Wind Ensemble
MUS 209
Chapel Choir
MUS 210
Concert Choir
MUS 212
Small Ensembles
MUS 212A
Jazz Ensemble
MUS 212B
Men's Choir
MUS 212C
MUS 212D
Chamber Orchestra
MUS 212E
Percussion Ensemble
MUS 220
Applied Lessons: Voice
MUS 221
Applied Lessons: Piano
MUS 223
Applied Lesson: Brass
MUS 224
Applied Lesson: Woodwinds
MUS 225
Applied Lesson: Strings
MUS 226
Applied Lesson: Percussion
MUS 227
Applied Lessons: Organ
MUS 239
Music History I: Medieval and Renaissance
MUS 262
Ear Training III
MUS 266
Introduction to Conducting
MUS 271
Brass Techniques
MUS 272
Woodwind Techniques
MUS 273
String Techniques
MUS 274
Percussion Techniques
MUS 275
Vocal Techniques
MUS 290
Special Topics
MUS 291
Music Methods in the Elementary School
MUS 292
Music Methods: Secondary Choral
MUS 293
Music Methods: Secondary Instrumental
MUS 300
Directed Studies
MUS 319
Instructional Media and Technology for Music
MUS 320
Applied Lessons: Voice
MUS 321
Applied Lessons: Piano
MUS 323
Applied Lesson: Brass
MUS 324
Applied Lesson: Woodwinds
MUS 325
Applied Lesson: Strings
MUS 326
Applied Lesson: Percussion
MUS 327
Applied Lessons: Organ
MUS 339
Music History II: Baroque and Classical
MUS 340
Music History III: Romantic and Modern Eras
MUS 360
Harmony/Theory III
MUS 361
Harmony/Theory IV
MUS 363
Choral Arranging
MUS 367
Advanced Conducting - Choral
MUS 368
Advanced Conducting - Instrumental
MUS 380
Junior Recital
MUS 390
Special Topics
MUS 400
Directed Studies
MUS 420
Applied Lessons: Voice
MUS 421
Applied Lessons: Piano
MUS 423
Applied Lesson: Brass
MUS 424
Applied Lesson: Woodwind
MUS 425
Applied Lesson: Strings
MUS 426
Applied Lesson: Percussion
MUS 427
Applied Lessons: Organ
MUS 480
Senior Recital
MUS 490
Special Topics
MUS 499
Student Teaching
2 Upper Level History Courses
EDUC XXX Methods Course
Elective or Required Course
Fitness and Wellness
Flan Approved Language
Foundations of Science
Global Perspective - FLAN as needed
HIST Approved History Course
Introduction to Education
Junior Seminar
Literature or History
Music/Art/Theatre (general education)
Natural Science with Lab
Oral Communication
Upper or Intro Level History Course
US and Non-US History Electives
NRSG 190
Special Topics
NRSG 200
Directed Studies
NRSG 205
NRSG 206
Health Assessment
NRSG 210
Nursing Foundations
NRSG 290
Special Topics
NRSG 300
Directed Studies
NRSG 331
Child/Adult Health I
NRSG 332
The Childbearing Family
NRSG 333
Child/Adult Health II
NRSG 334
Child/Adult Mental Health
NRSG 390
Special Topics
NRSG 397
Nursing Cooperative Experience
NRSG 400
Directed Studies
NRSG 424
Child/Adult Health III
NRSG 425
Community Health Nursing
NRSG 426
Nursing Leadership/Management
NRSG 427
Nursing as a Profession
NRSG 428
NCLEX Success
NRSG 490
Special Topics
NRSG 497
Nursing Research
NRSG 498
NSCI 110
Foundations of Science
PHIL 190
Special Topics
PHIL 200
Directed Studies
PHIL 251
Introduction to Critical Thinking
PHIL 252
PHIL 290
Special Topics
PHIL 300
Directed Studies
PHIL 303
Classical Philosophy
PHIL 304
Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 305
Medieval Philosophy
PHIL 306
Modern Philosophy
PHIL 307
Recent and Contemporary Philosophy
PHIL 351
Issues in Philosophy
PHIL 381
Philosophy of History
PHIL 390
Special Topics
PHIL 400
Directed Studies
PHIL 483
Philosophy of History
PHIL 490
Special Topics
PHIL 495
Independent Study
PHYS 143
College Physics I (Lec/Lab)
PHYS 144
College Physics II (Lec/Lab)
PHYS 190
Special Topics
PHYS 203
Physics I (Lec/Lab)
PHYS 204
Physics II (Lec/Lab)
PHYS 290
Special Topics
PHYS 345
Introduction to Modern Physics
PHYS 390
Special Topics
PHYS 401
Classical Mechanics
PHYS 490
Special Topics
POLS 104
American National Government
POLS 190
Special Topics
POLS 200
Directed Studies
POLS 290
Special Topics
POLS 300
Directed Studies
POLS 311
Federal Indian Policy
POLS 312
Congress and the Presidency
POLS 314
Governmental Power and U.S. Constitutional Law
POLS 316
Rights & Liberties and U.S. Constitutional Law
POLS 325
Comparative European Governments
POLS 333
World Politics
POLS 335
The European Union
POLS 344
American Foreign Relations to 1920
POLS 348
American Foreign Relations since 1895
POLS 352
American Economic Policy
POLS 370
American Constitutions and Revolutions
POLS 375
Modern Political Thought
POLS 390
Special Topics
POLS 391
American Economic Development
POLS 400
Directed Studies
POLS 450
Internship in Political Science
POLS 490
Special Topics
POLS 495
Independent Study in Political Science
PSYC 101
General Psychology
PSYC 190
Special Topics
PSYC 200
Directed Studies
PSYC 201
Psychology in Context
PSYC 202
Research Methods
PSYC 203
Developmental Psychology
PSYC 204
Adolescent Psychology
PSYC 215
Applied Behavior Analysis
PSYC 290
Special Topics
PSYC 299
Sophomore Experience inAddiction Counseling
PSYC 300
Directed Studies
PSYC 302
Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 306
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
PSYC 311
Theories of Personality
PSYC 315
Social Psychology
PSYC 316
Tests and Measurement
PSYC 317
Motivation and Emotion
PSYC 318
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
PSYC 319
PSYC 321
Biological Psychology
PSYC 323
Judgment and Decision Making
PSYC 330
Health Psychology
PSYC 360
PSYC 365
Dynamics of Addiction
PSYC 370
Psychology of Religion
PSYC 373
Psychology of Human Sexuality
PSYC 390
Special Topics
PSYC 391
Junior Seminar
PSYC 395
Thesis Development
PSYC 400
Directed Study
PSYC 401
Professional Ethics
PSYC 410
Fundamentals of Counseling
PSYC 411
Group Counseling
PSYC 412
Advanced Counseling
PSYC 413
Family Counseling
PSYC 420
Theories of Psychotherapy
PSYC 430
Psychology and Law
PSYC 440
Psychology of Gender
PSYC 450
History and Systems
PSYC 490
Special Topics
PSYC 491
Senior Research Seminar
PSYC 495
Independent Study
PSYC 497
Independent Research in Psychology: Senior Thesis
PSYC 498
Training Practicum in Addiction Counseling
PSYC 499
Training Practicum in Addiction Counseling
REL 190
Special Topics
REL 196
Selected Texts of the Old Testament
REL 197
Selected Texts of the New Testament
REL 200
Directed Studies
REL 205
Ancient Near East
REL 211
Old Testament
REL 212
New Testament
REL 215
Christian Traditions
REL 220
REL 222
Short Stories of the Old Testament
REL 224
Life and Teachings of Jesus
REL 226
Paul's Letters to Corinth
REL 228
REL 230
The Spiritual Life
REL 262
Christian Beliefs
REL 271
World Religions
REL 290
Special Topics
REL 296
Selected Texts of the Old Testament
REL 297
Selected Texts of the New Testament
REL 300
Directed Studies
REL 301
New Testament Greek I (Beginning)
REL 302
New Testament Greek II (Beginning)
REL 304
Philosophy of Religion
REL 305
Ancient Near East
REL 315
Christian Traditions
REL 316
Religion in America History
REL 319
Introduction to Christian Ministry
REL 320
REL 362
Christian Beliefs
REL 371
World Religions
REL 390
Special Topics
REL 396
Selected Texts of the Old Testament
REL 397
Selected Texts of the New Testament
REL 400
Directed Studies
REL 415
Field Education
REL 490
Special Topics
REL 495
Independent Study
SOC 101
Introduction to Sociology
SOC 102
Deviance and Social Control
SOC 190
Special Topics
SOC 200
Directed Studies
SOC 201
Social Problems
SOC 230
Sociology of the Family
SOC 290
Special Topics
SOC 300
Directed Studies
SOC 310
Crime and Delinquency
SOC 315
Social Psychology
SOC 320
Comparative Cultures
SOC 390
Special Topics
SOC 400
Directed Studies
SOC 490
Special Topics
SOC 495
Independent Study
SOC 497
Sociology Thesis
SPAN 101
Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 102
Beginning Spanish II
SPAN 190
Special Topics
SPAN 191
Special Topics
SPAN 200
Directed Studies
SPAN 201
Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 202
Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 290
Special Topics
SPAN 291
Special Topics
SPAN 300
Directed Studies/Special Topics
SPAN 310
Advanced Spanish I
SPAN 320
Advanced Spanish II
SPAN 330
Spanish Peninsular Cultural Studies I
SPAN 340
Spanish Peninsular Cultural Studies II
SPAN 370
Latin American Cultural Studies I
SPAN 380
Latin American Cultural Studies II
SPAN 390
Special Topics
SPAN 391
Special Topics
SPAN 400
Introduction to Spanish Linguistics (Special Topics)
SPAN 490
Special Topics
SPAN 491
Special Topics
THEA 190
Introduction to Theatre
THEA 200
Directed Studies
THEA 201
Drama Performance
THEA 202
Theatre Practice
THEA 213
THEA 220
Appreciation of Drama
THEA 260
Masterpieces of Drama
THEA 290
Special Topics
THEA 300
Directed Studies
THEA 303
Stagecraft and Lighting
THEA 316
Development of Drama to 1900
THEA 318
Development of American Drama
THEA 319
Modern British Drama
THEA 321
History of the Theatre
THEA 323
Acting: Period Styles
THEA 331
THEA 333
Scene Design
THEA 335
Musical Theatre
THEA 350
THEA 390
Special Topics
THEA 400
Directed Studies
THEA 401
Senior Project in Play Production
THEA 495
Independent Study