College of Graduate and Professional Studies Proposed Catalog - Fall 2024

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is language set forth in the federal guidelines [34 CFR §668.34] that specifies the minimum academic progress required of a student to avoid termination of funding provided by federal and state governments. The guidelines also relate to programs funded by the institution (except for tuition waivers) or as determined by the University of Jamestown (UJ). The academic standards for students receiving Title IV funds (federal aid) are the same as those for students not receiving Title IV funds.

To demonstrate SAP for financial aid purposes, all students must comply with the following components:

  1. QUALITATIVE The university defines "adequate progress toward a degree" as the maintenance of a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher at the undergraduate level and 3.0 or higher at the graduate level.
  2. PACE OR QUANTITATIVE Students must successfully complete (grade of ‘D’ or higher) at least 67% of all attempted credits. Grades of incomplete are counted as such in the calculation.
  3. MAXIMUM TIMEFRAME OR 150% RULE Students must complete their program within 150% of the total credits required for completion.

Monitoring Procedure

The University of Jamestown monitors student progress after every payment period (term). Summer is considered a payment period for this purpose and, consequently, progress will be monitored for those students enrolled in summer school courses after the summer session as well.

Possible statuses of each SAP calculation are good standing, warning, and suspension. A student who fails SAP after one semester is placed on financial aid warning. A student who fails SAP the next consecutive semester after being placed on warning will be placed on financial aid suspension. A student placed on financial aid suspension may appeal the suspension by submitting an official Financial Aid Suspension Appeal Form (which can be found on the University of Jamestown website under Current Students/Financial) by the stated deadline. A committee composed of the Associate Provost/Dean of the Undergraduate College, Vice-President of Enrollment Management, Registrar, the Student Success Coordinator, and the Director of Financial Aid will review the appeal. If an appeal is granted by a majority vote of the committee, an academic plan will be generated for the student. The student and financial aid representative will sign the academic plan.

Students will be notified of SAP statuses of warning and suspension by email to their UJ email and by postal letter to their legal, home, permanent address, and by email of a status of academic plan. If appropriate, requirements necessary to regain eligibility for financial aid will be included.

Additional Information

  • Limited funding may be available through private sources explicitly stating that SAP is not required.
  • The Financial Aid Office reserves the right to adjust SAP verbiage at any time.
  • Grades of incomplete will be counted as not earned in the calculation immediately following the term in which the grade falls. If the grade changes to a letter grade, that grade will be considered in future calculations for SAP.
  • A course in which a student received a passing grade may be repeated only one time for federal student aid payment of both times the course was taken. Federal student aid may not be used for a second repeat of the same course with a passing grade (D or higher). All course repeats count toward the total number of credits the student has attempted, which may affect pace and/or 150% calculations for SAP.