University Student Handbook

Administrative Withdrawal

Students are expected to be properly registered for courses and to abide by all drop/add and late registration procedures and deadlines stated in the UJ catalog and/or communicated by the Registrar. Students are also expected to attend all courses in which they are enrolled.

In certain circumstances, a student may be administratively withdrawn from their courses. Although the college reserves the right in each instance to determine when administrative withdrawal appears appropriate, normally this process will be initiated when a student is not attending the courses for which he or she is registered or when attendance and work for over half of those courses are erratic. Administrative withdrawal will only take place after one or both of the following conditions have occurred:

  • The student does not respond appropriately to reasonable requests from faculty instructors, his/her advisor, the Registrar, the Dean, and other University personnel for explanation of nonattendance.
  • The student is on academic probation and is not following through with expectations for academic recovery.

If the student has authorized disclosure of educational records to his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) under FERPA, the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) may be notified.