- The student will submit the complaint utilizing the online form on the UJ website. The submission will be received by Dean of Engagement and Student Affairs.
- Complaints will be forwarded to the appropriate academic or nonacademic area for follow up as noted below.
- Academic complaints to the appropriate Department Chair or Director
- Student Affairs complaints to the appropriate Director of Residence Life or Student Activities
- Business Office complaints to the Vice President of Finance and Business Affairs
- Financial Aid complaints to the Director of Financial Aid
- Records and Registration complaints to the Registrar
- Unlawful Discrimination and Harassment complaints to the Title IX Coordinator or Director or Residence Life
- A complaint against the Provost, a Department Chair, Dean, Director or Vice President is submitted to the direct supervisor, such as the Provost or President
- A complaint against the President is submitted to the Chair of the Board of Trustees
- Other complaints to the Director of Human Resources
Level 1 Complaint Process
Absent extraordinary circumstances, the person, normally a Chair or Director, to whom the complaint has been submitted conducts, within seven (7) business days of receiving the complaint, a formal conference with the student, permitting her or him to provide any necessary relevant information. The Chair or Director confers with the other person or persons involved and conducts an additional investigation as he or she deems necessary. Absent extraordinary circumstances, a written recommendation is sent within seven (7) business days of the first formal conference. The recommendation is sent to the student and the other involved person or persons. The written recommendation states the background information, the rationale for the recommendation, and the recommended remedy, if any. Copies of the original complaint and the written recommendation are kept in the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students for a minimum of five years.
Level 2 Complaint Process
If the complaint is not resolved in level 1, the student or one of the other involved parties may, with fourteen (14) business days of receipt of the level 1 recommendation, appeal to the direct supervisor of the person who wrote the recommendation. Absent extraordinary circumstances, the supervisor holds a meeting within fourteen (14) business days of receipt of the appeal or complaint. Absent extraordinary circumstances, a written recommendation is sent to the student and others within fourteen (14) business days of such meeting. In cases of appeals to level 2, copies of the original complaint and the level 1 and 2 written recommendations are kept in the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students for a minimum of five years.
Level 3 Complaint Process
Except in the case of a complaint against the President, where the Board of Trustees has final authority, appeals of the level 2 recommendation are submitted to the President within fourteen (14) business days. The President makes the final decision. Absent extraordinary circumstances, the President’s written decision is sent to the student and other parties within fourteen (14) business days of receiving the level 3 appeal. In cases of appeals to level 3, copies of the original complaint, the previous written recommendations, and the final decision are kept in the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students for a minimum of five years.