2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Department of Computing, Design, and Communication

Communication Mission Statement

The Communication programs at the University of Jamestown are designed as part of an undergraduate liberal arts education that provides students with theoretical and practical life experiences in all aspects of communication.

The mission of this program is to provide students with a solid understanding of the communication discipline and its relevance to their lives; to prepare students for further education, career, and life beyond the University of Jamestown. The program is dedicated to students’ needs and has recently revised and improved its foundation and core teachings, developing new courses and content based on regular and thorough assessment of industry needs and the communications environment.

Computer Science and Technology Mission Statement

The Computer Science and Technology programs are dedicated to a curriculum of academic excellence that encourages the development of ethical technology professionals who are a benefit to society. The department serves the entire college community by providing sound instruction in the use of computer technology.

Undergraduate Degree Programs





Department of Computing, Design, and Communication Faculty