2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction (Online)


Mission Statement for Master of Education Programs at University of Jamestown

The graduate programs in Teacher Education further the undergraduate mission of “Teachers as reflective practitioners” to support the personal and professional growth of teachers. Through critical inquiry, collaboration, and authentic work, participants build their confidence and capacity as teacher leaders to transform their school community.  

Core Values:

  • Visionary Teacher Leadership
  • Interactive, Inclusive Learning
  • Reflection and Accountability
  • Coaching for Change
  • Professional Advocacy
  • System-wide Innovation 


The Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction Program has maintained continuous accreditation by the North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board. The Teacher Education Department holds membership in the North Dakota affiliate of the American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education.

Educator Standards and Practices Board (ESPB) Standards for Program Approval

  1. Program reflects consideration of NBPTS, CAEP, and professional organizations' standards
  2. Program requires candidates to apply research
  3. Program requires advanced study of teaching strategies and models
  4. Program requires use of current, appropriate instructional technologies
  5. Program requires advanced study of curriculum theory, design, and delivery
  6. Program requires advanced study of multiple means of assessing and evaluating diverse student learning


Students in the Master of Education programs are expected to complete 30 credit hours over the course of 5 semesters in order to graduate from the program.

All students will take all ten courses in sequence. Students who transfer credits will skip that course in the sequence, and the Program Director will ensure students have any content, process, or assessment information necessary to maintain success in the program.

Students who need a course to maintain full-time status may make arrangements for a directed study course with the Program Director.

30 Courses are offered online, one at a time. Each course will include assignments tailored to students’ individual teaching situations along with face-to-face online conversations with the class. An action research project and a field-based practicum are embedded into coursework.

Technology Requirements

The Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction will be offered completely online. To access course materials, participate in class meetings, and contact instructors/professors, students must have a laptop or desktop computer with reliable access to the Internet. Using only a phone or tablet may limit your ability to complete and submit assignments or open course resources. Students who choose to access the Internet through their school-based system may be blocked from University of Jamestown resources and have to use other options such as the public library. The online courses will work with the majority of current browsers: Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge, Safari (Mac). Some instructors/professors may use Google Docs but will walk students through gaining authorization as part of the course. Students may need to add plug-ins like Java in order to view videos or other information. WebEx, the platform used for online class meetings works best with Chrome and Internet Explorer. Upon admission to the program students will be given a user name and password. All course materials will be available on MYUJ, the student portal for email, University information, and course content.

Student Responsibilities

  1. Assignments are due by 11:00 pm CST on date listed in calendar section of the syllabus. All out-of-class assignments are to be emailed to the instructor as Word documents. The instructor will provide feedback on the documents and return them to the student through email.
  2. Due dates do not change because of an absence for illness or personal reasons without permission from the instructor.
  3. If a class meeting is cancelled, assignments will still be due.
  4. Grades on assignments, handouts, and course documents will be posted on MYUJ. It is up to students to print those documents if they prefer.
  5. One grade will be deducted for each day an assignment is late (from A to B, B to C, etc.). Any assignment more than one week late is an automatic zero. Students must contact the instructor regarding special circumstances.
  6. All assignments must be typed. Times New Roman, 12-point font, using one-inch margins. Two spelling, grammar, punctuation, and/or usage errors will be allowed for the number of pages submitted on an assignment for a rating of “Meets” on the rubric for the assignment (i.e. two pages allows four errors, three pages allows six errors, etc.). APA format is required.
  7. It is the responsibility of students to maintain a copy of all graded and returned materials for use as evidence in any question that may arise regarding the final grade of the course.
  8. Live class meetings will occur on Sunday nights from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm CST. Instructor office hours will be held after class discussion from 8:30 pm to 9:00 pm as well as during the week. Class meetings will be recorded. If a student is unable to attend the class discussion, a one-page summary of the recorded discussion with reflection will substitute for the absence.
  9. The instructor must be notified of an absence prior to the missed discussion unless there is an emergency. An emergency requires immediate notification to the instructor as soon as possible.
  10. Students are expected to attend class meetings on time and actively participate in group discussions and activities. Excessive absences will result in missed in-class experiences and information. It is the responsibility of students to complete assignments and tasks on time.
  11. Students are encouraged to set up small group discussions outside of class discussions.
  12. Students are expected to abide by Jamestown University Policies outlined on the University website, catalog, and the MED Graduate Bulletin.
  13. Students will have the opportunity to evaluate the instructor and the course.

Admission and Costs

Application Information

Applicants must complete the Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction application that may be found online at www.uj.edu/apply.

Applications are processed on a first-come-first-served basis determined by the date and time of receipt of all application materials. Those applicants who meet the requirements for admission will receive notification of their acceptance within a week of receipt of all application materials. Each MED cohort is capped at 25 students. If more than 25 applications are received, the first 25 applicants who meet the admission requirements will be admitted. If any admitted applicants withdraw or decline admission from the cohort within the first two weeks of the first course, the next applicant in line will receive an offer of admission until the cohort reaches 25 students. Late applications and applications that are received after the cohort is full will be stored and processed for the next MED cohort. The University of Jamestown protects applicants’ rights, including due process. If applicants feel they have been treated unfairly in the admissions process, they may file a complaint with the Admissions Review Committee. The Admissions Review Committee is composed of the Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction Program Director and Provost.

Admission Information

Additional requirements for applicants include the following:

1. An undergraduate degree in education from an accredited institution of higher education (U.S. institutions must be accredited by one of the six federally approved regional accrediting agencies; non-U.S. institutions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis).

2. A copy of a valid teaching license.

  • Although applicants may be approved to teach, there are specific types of teaching licenses that are acceptable for admission to the Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction:
    • Acceptable Teaching Licenses:
      • Initial In-State License (Two-Year)
      • First Five Year License (Five-Year)
      • Five Year Renewal License (Five-Year)
      • Other State Educator License
      • 30-Year Life License
      • 40-Day Provisional License (may be accepted on a case-by-case basis)
      • Two Year Renewal (Two-Year)
      • Re-Entry License (may be accepted on a case-by-case basis)
    • Unacceptable Teaching Licenses:
      • Alternate Access License
      • Interim Substitute License
      • Probationary License
      • Out-of-State Reciprocal License
    • Applicants who have recently graduated from an accredited institution of higher education and have met the requirements for a state teaching license may be provisionally admitted while awaiting the official issuance of their teaching license.
    • International applicants must hold the equivalent certification of a teaching license and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
    • Applicants admitted on a case-by-case basis may be provisionally admitted with a deadline for completing licensure requirements to maintain good standing in the program.

3. A 3.0 grade point average in undergraduate work.

  • If an applicant has less than 3.0 GPA in undergraduate work, the University at its discretion may substitute applicant performance on nationally normed tests of mathematical, reading, and writing achievement. Applicants must score in the top 50 percent of those assessed. Acceptable tests include but are not limited to Graduate Record Examination (GRE), Miller Analogy Test (MAT), and Praxis II.
  • The University, at its discretion may admit a student provisionally who has met the criteria for state licensure, has an application in process, but has not received the license, with full admission contingent upon receipt of the license.

4. It is recommended that applicants should have at least one year of teaching experience.

  • Applicants employed in an education position, have a valid teaching license, and have less than a one year of experience may be admitted into the Program.
  • Applicants with less than one year of teaching experience but who have a valid teaching license may be admitted into the Program.

5. Two recommendations: one recommendation from an administrator or supervisor and one recommendation from a professional colleague that can address the ability to complete a graduate level academic program.

  • An essay summarizing their professional background in teaching and their reasons for pursuing a graduate degree. The essay should be approximately 500 words.
  • International applicants must present a minimum TOEFL score of 70 (Internet version), 197 (computer version), or 525 (paper version) and a Financial Guarantee Statement.

Program Costs

Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction (2 years - 6 terms): https://accelerated.uj.edu/academics/programs/education-curriculum-and-instruction

Transfer Credit Policy

The Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction is a 30-hour graduate program and will allow up to half of the credits (15 credits) to be transferred into the program. Any exception to this policy must be requested through the Appeals Process. A graduate transfer course accepted for credit must correspond to courses described in this publication and must come from institutions which meet the criteria listed below. 

  1. The institution must be accredited by a CHEA approved regional accrediting association of schools and colleges. 
  2. The institution must offer a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, or Master’s Degree and must be approved to offer graduate level courses by its regional accrediting association. University of Jamestown will consider for credit only courses which satisfy the requirements for these degrees. 
  3. Transfer courses must be within 5 years of the completion of the course and admission to the MED program. 

The Program Director in consultation with the Registrar will approve transfer credits based on whether a course corresponds to one of the courses described in this publication. Course descriptions and syllabi must be provided by students requesting transfer of credits. 

Only courses in which students have earned a B (3.0) or better are eligible for graduate transfer credit. Courses graded on a pass/fail basis will be transferred only if students can provide documented evidence that they performed at a B or better level in the course. University of Jamestown standards will be applied in determining the transferred courses and grades that will satisfy requirements.

University of Jamestown accepts credit from foreign institutions. The required official academic transcript should be translated into English. In the event that a transcript cannot be translated into English, the chair of the Foreign Language Department at University of Jamestown will interpret the transcript of locate another faculty member who can interpret the transcript. If the transcript cannot be interpreted by someone at University of Jamestown, the transcript will be evaluated by World Education Services or a similar professional service. The fee for the service will be paid by students.

Plan of Study


EDUC 523The Art and Science of Educational Leadership


EDUC 526Introduction to Research and Evaluation in Education



EDUC 522Principles of Curriculum Development and Assessment


EDUC 52721st Century Curriculum



EDUC 519Understanding Diverse Learners


EDUC 521Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning



EDUC 524Models of Learning and Instruction


EDUC 529Collaboration and Professional Development



EDUC 528Instructional Coaching and Mentoring


EDUC 530Leading Organizational Change


Total Credit Hours: 30


The MED program has aligned all program outcomes and course learning outcomes to crosscutting themes: Leadership, School Improvement, Professional Growth, Teaching and Learning Practice, Facilitating Teacher Development, Technology, Diversity, and Advocacy. Each of the themes relate directly to the roles of teacher leaders in varied educational settings.

Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction Program Outcomes

  1. Model visionary learner-centered leadership
  2. Foster a culture of continuous improvement through evidence-based inquiry and shared decision making
  3. Commit to professional practices reflecting the ethical and political complexities of a democratic society
  4. Integrate theory into practice to support a safe, inclusive, and rigorous learning community
  5. Engage in self-reflection, professional accountability, and collaborative teacher development
  6. Develop fluency in new literacies for interactive, interdisciplinary learning
  7. Implement culturally responsive practices to support equity and justice
  8. Advocate for needs of students, educators, and the education profession to stakeholders and policy makers