2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Addendum to 2024-2025 Catalog

The catalog addendum contains corrections and updates made after initial publication of the 2024-2025 Undergraduate catalog.

Catalog Change Date of Change
 Update to BEHL 285 Introduction to Counseling Theory and Techniques 9/9/24
 Updated Tobacco and Nicotine Policy


 Updated Theatre Minor/Major 9/16/24
 Updated KNS 180 in General Ed BA Degree 10/10/24
 Added KNS 220 - Pickleball to Gen Ed requirements 11/13/24
Added PHIL 352 to Gen ED requirements 11/13/24
Fixed Gen Ed Overview to state both PHIL courses 11/14/24
Added New Course NRSG 211 11/26/24
Added New Program Composite Science - Biology, BA


Added New program Composite Science - Chemistry, BA 11/26/24
 Added EESC 200 to Gen Ed Principles of Natural Science Course list as this was missed. 1/31/25