Emergency Protocols

In the case of any emergency or urgent situation, contact 911 and then report to Campus Safety or any University official or Residence Life staff.

UJ prohibits the tampering with, removal of, setting off or damage to fire equipment or alarm systems in any University building when no fire or immediate danger of fire exists. In addition, violations of other campus safety regulations are prohibited by this section. These include, but are not limited to;

  1. setting unauthorized fires and or improvised explosive devices;
  2. turning in false fire alarms or reporting the false presence of explosive devices; and
  3. failure to properly evacuate a building during a fire drill. Violators are subject to stiff fines, removal from the residence hall and to suspension and/or expulsion from the University, and/or referral to the criminal court system.

Tampering with fire alarms, fire extinguishers or smoke/heat detectors is also a criminal misdemeanor punishable by up to a $500 fine, 30 days in jail or both. Anyone caught tampering with the fire equipment will be turned over to the criminal authorities. Arson is a felony offense. Anyone involved in an act of arson will be turned over to the civil authorities for prosecution. If a student intentionally causes a fire alarm to sound, disciplinary action will be taken. It is a Federal offense to not vacate the building during a fire alarm. Please identify fire alarm meeting locations outside your building.

Fire Emergency Protocols

Building evacuation procedural guidelines (in effect whenever an alarm has been sounded):

  1. Lights on in room
  2. Doors shut
  3. Windows closed
  4. Curtains open

All individuals should:

  1. Wear shoes and carry or wear a coat.
  2. Walk in single file to the outside of the building and get at least 50 feet away from the building.
  3. Meet at the meeting place posted throughout the building.
  4. Remain outside until a Residence Hall staff member gives permission to re-enter the building.

In case of fire:

  1. Sound the alarm for the building.
  2. Notify the Fire Department (dial 911).
  3. Advise Campus Safety or a Resident Assistant, Assistant Resident Director or Resident Director that a fire exists as soon as possible.

Tornado Emergency Protocols

Tornado Alert System

All faculty, staff, and students should become familiar with the two types of severe weather conditions and what actions should be taken in the event of either.

Tornado Watch Condition

A Tornado Watch Condition means that a tornado could develop in the general area. The University may receive a notice of this condition in several ways—through our own weather radio monitoring or through public broadcasts. At this time the Custodian or supervising staff for each building will unlock designated “Tornado Shelters” for the possibility of the Tornado Watch if the rooms are not already unlocked or if it is after hours. When a tornado watch is in effect, this information will be passed to each department and division by telephone through the Campus Voice-Over-IP Telephone System, campus email. Normally, classes will not be interrupted; but the notice should be circulated to all faculty, staff, and students as soon as feasible.

During a Watch Condition, continue with your routine activities but be prepared to take protective measures. The notification process changes somewhat overnight. During periods of inclement weather, our campus security will monitor the weather network. When a watch is issued, he will notify the Residential Staff, Dean, and VP for Business Affairs. The Resident Directors notify everyone in their respective buildings that a watch has been issued and start unlocking doors to designated areas.

Tornado Warning Condition

A Tornado Warning means that a tornado has actually been spotted in the general area. Tornadoes come and go so quickly that there may not be time for a warning. When in doubt, take cover. In case of a tornado warning, instructors or their designees are responsible for aiding persons with disabilities.

When the National Weather Service issues a tornado warning, the outside public address system will be activated and a message will be broadcast, as well as the Campus Emergency Notification System will immediately be activated. All employees, students and visitors should be directed to enter the nearest shelter.

Tornado shelter areas by building on UJ Campus:

Whenever possible it is best to proceed to the following basement locations:

  • Raugust Library
  • Reiland Fine Arts Center (green room)
  • Hansen Center lower level

If the weather is too dangerous to reach the locations listed above, seek shelter in the building you are in or nearest. Go to the first floor. Do not use elevators.

Badal/Nafus – Hallway and restrooms by cafeteria

Campus Apartments – 1st floor interior hallway

Chapel – Basement

Foss Wellness – Head to Orlady basement

Hansen Center – Lower Level

Kroeze – Lower level lounge and rooms

Larson Center – Interior locker rooms

Lyngstad – Conference room 108

Nierling – 1st floor interior hallways

Newman Arena – Locker room areas below ground

Orland/McKenna Thielsch – Lower level hallways

Physical Plant – Head to Orlady basement

Prentice – 1st floor interior hallway

Raugust Library – Basement

Reiland – 1st floor interior practice rooms and restrooms – Basement (Green Room)

Seibold – 1st floor interior hallway

Sorkness – Basement or 1st floor interior hallway

Taber/Liechty Hall – Lower level interior hallway

Unruh/Sheldon – 1st floor restrooms/interior hallway

Watson – Basement or 1st floor interior hallway

Wilson – 1st floor interior hallway

Wilson Arena – Locker rooms

Please note that you should stay away from walls with windows, exterior walls, and glass doors if possible.