College of Graduate and Professional Studies Proposed Catalog - Fall 2024

Credit Hour Policy

The University of Jamestown follows the “Carnegie Definition” of credit hour. The practice has been 50 minutes of class, plus a minimum of 2 hours out of classroom study for each credit earned. Courses were all developed under this practice. As graduate programs were added, the definition was articulated in the graduate bulletins, beginning with the DPT program in 2013. In the 2017-18 academic year, the policy for graduate and undergraduate credit hours was written as the practice has been following the “Carnegie Definition.”

Graduate Credit Hour Policy

DPT, DEMSN, and MSCC (Laboratory-based programs): A unit of credit (one credit hour) is defined as the equivalent of one 50-minute class period per week for one semester with a minimum of two hours of additional work outside of class meeting time for each hour in class. Hence, a three-credit course would require the equivalent of 45-hours of class time and 90-hours of outside work. Since graduate students are expected to be capable of more independent work, fewer class hours and more outside of class work may make up the equivalency referred to above. In the case of laboratories, for the measurement of a credit hour, one credit hour may be equivalent to two to three laboratory hours.

PhD in Clinical Research, MEd, and MAL (Non-laboratory-based programs): A unit of credit (one credit hour) is defined as the equivalent of one fifty-minute class period per week for one semester with a minimum of two hours of additional work outside of class meeting time for each hour in class. Hence, a three-credit course would require the equivalent of forty-five hours of class time and ninety hours of outside work. Since graduate students are expected to be capable of more independent work, fewer class hours and more outside class work may make up the equivalency referred to above.

Undergraduate Credit Hour Policy

A unit of credit (one credit hour) is defined as the equivalent of one 50-minute class period per week for one semester with a minimum of two hours of additional work outside of class meeting time for each hour in class, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time. For laboratory and lessons, measurement of credit hours varies and may be equivalent to one credit to ½ -3 hours in lab or lessons. For internships, practicums and student teaching, credits awarded based on average hours per week with 40 hours per 1 credit including 2 or more hours of additional coursework. Details of the policy:

  • 50 minutes of in-class or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester hour of credit. This accounts for approximately 15 hours of in-class or direct faculty instruction and minimum of 30 hours of out-of-class student work for a total of approximately 45 hours for one semester hour of credit; or
  • The equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or
  • The equivalent amount of work by other instructional modes of delivery such as distance education (online), independent and directed studies.

Laboratory: Practical application type courses where the major focus is on ‘hands on’ experience to support student learning using equipment, activities, tools, machines etc. 1 credit hour is approximately 2-3 laboratory hours.

Applied Music Lessons: Courses are individual lessons which meet once per week. Students receive 1-2 credits with lessons lasting 30-60 minutes. Additional independent practice is expected.

Internship: a pre-professional practical learning experience in an appropriate work environment that will benefit the student. 1 credit per 40 hours of internship, with an additional 2 hours or more of coursework, not to exceed 8 credits in one experience with the exception of student teaching.

Online Credit Hour Policy

Federal Guidelines mandate that one credit hour is equivalent to 3 hours of student work (Every week for 15 weeks). In the online accelerated (8 week) environment, this translates to approximately 6 hours of student engagement per week per credit for a total of 18 hours per week for a three-credit course. Student work includes preparation time, reading, research, discussion board participation, assignments, exams and practical application of materials.