College of Graduate and Professional Studies Proposed Catalog - Fall 2024


At the completion of each course the student is given a grade: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, or P for passing work; I for incomplete work; and F for failure. (Exceptions: The DPT program does not assign letter grades with pluses or minuses. SON: Less than C- is failing for an undergraduate student. Less than C is failing for the DEMSN students.)

The grade “incomplete” is given only at the end of a term in which the student, for justifiable reasons in the opinion of the professor, is unable to complete the course. If an incomplete course is not completed within four weeks of the next resident semester after the grade was given, or if an incomplete course is not completed within one semester by a student not in residence, the grade will be that which the professor submitted based on the assumption that the student received failing grades or zero points for all uncompleted work. Exceptions to this rule will be made only when there exist reasons clearly beyond the control of the student, and the student, with the professor’s approval, has petitioned the office of Dean for an extension of time. The Dean may grant an extension of time or a replacement of the incomplete with a W (Withdrawn). Incompletes must be finished within four weeks of the beginning of the next semester. No final action will be taken until the four-week period has elapsed.

Pass-Fail Option

Twelve elective credits may be taken on a pass-fail basis. Courses taken on a pass-fail basis cannot be courses that contribute to major, minor, or general education requirements. No more than one class may be taken on this basis during any given term. No more than twelve semester credits of pass-fail work may be counted toward the satisfaction of graduation requirements (student teaching and internships are the exception). Students taking a course on a pass-fail basis must attend all classes, take all examinations and possess all prerequisites required of students enrolling on a letter grade basis. Performance of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- caliber will be awarded a grade of “Pass,” which does not affect the grade point average. Grades of F are included in the computation of the grade point average. Students may elect (or reverse) the pass-fail option until two weeks after mid-term for semester-long courses, and until the fifth week of an eight-week course. The pass/fail option does not apply to students in the DPT program.

Grading of Experiential Education and Internships

All experiential education and internship credits will be graded Pass-Fail. If participation is not a requirement for a major or minor, it will contribute to the twelve-credit maximum for Pass-Fail. If participation is a requirement of a major or minor, it will be exempt from the twelve-credit limit (for example, student teaching).