Honors Program
The mission of the University of Jamestown Honors program is to challenge students to explore and integrate ideas from multiple disciplines, and to think critically and creatively.
Admission to Program
Incoming freshmen who have earned a 3.0 or higher high school GPA are encouraged to apply to join the Honors Program. Current UJ students and transfer students with a 3.2 or higher post-secondary GPA are also encouraged to apply to join the Honors Program. We will admit as many applicants as we can accommodate. Applications will be reviewed based on GPA and student response to two application questions.
Required Courses
HNRS 110 | Disrupting Education | 1 |
HNRS 401 | Honors Capstone I | 1 |
HNRS 402 | Honors Capstone II | 1 |
| | |
| 7 Honors Seminars | 7 |
| or | |
| 4 Honor Seminars plus 3-credit Honors Contract course | 7 |
7 Honors Seminars: 1 credit each.
Students must have earned a 3.2 or higher cumulative UJ GPA to complete the Honors Program and graduate with University Honors.
Plan of Study