University Student Handbook

Cancelled Classes

Classes will always be held as scheduled unless cancelled officially by the President of the University and/or the Dean(s) of the University and/or the Vice President for Business Affairs. Instructors may also individually cancel their own classes as they see necessary.

Classes will be cancelled for a day (or part of a day) only when it is determined by the above-mentioned persons that conditions warrant such action. Some examples of such conditions are:

  1. Snow and wind (possibly with extreme cold and wind chills) make the clearing of campus streets and walkways (and keeping them reasonably clear) impossible or impractical.
  2. A majority (or a very large minority) of University personnel are unlikely to be able to report for work due to weather conditions.
  3. Civil authorities mandate closing of all businesses and institutions in Jamestown due to extreme safety hazards.

If classes are called off due to extreme weather conditions, announcements will be made over Jamestown radio stations not less than one hour prior to the beginning of the class(es) or event(s) to be cancelled. If you are in doubt, listen to one of the following radio stations: KQDJ-AM 1400, KSJB-AM 600, KSJZ-FM 93.3, or KYNU-FM 95.5. An announcement will be posted on the University web site and distributed via e-mail and/or the emergency cell phone texting system.