2024-2025 University Student Handbook


Guests are welcome in the residence halls. Overnight guests must be registered with the Resident Director prior to their arrival and follow any instructions/policies concerning guests given by Residence Life. Approved overnight guests are allowed to stay no more than three consecutive nights, with no more than 6 total nights per month and must be escorted by a student at all times. No overnight guest of the sexual preference of the host will be allowed in any room or suite on campus. An overnight guest is defined as any person who does not hold a current housing assignment within the UJ Residence Life system. It is the responsibility of the resident to know the identity of their guest and to see that their guest(s) know(s) all campus policies. Guests are expected to comply with all state, local, University, and residence hall rules and regulations. Guests may be asked to leave if their presence or behavior is such that it is disruptive to the hall and its residents. Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests and held liable for any loss or damage to property. The rights of a roommate and other residents always supersede those of a guest. No guests under the age of 18 are permitted unless they are immediate family members of residents.

Co-habitation is not permitted on campus. Co-habitation is defined as any off-campus guest sleeping and/or living in the residence halls beyond the approved timeframe OR any on-campus student sleeping and/or living in any residence room other than their assigned space.

Residents cannot charge another person for staying in their room or allow someone to stay for an extended period of time. This constitutes renting out a part of the room and is prohibited.