2024-2025 University Student Handbook

Room Search

Circumstances that would be considered probable cause for the Residence Life Staff to enter and search a room are: excessive noise, excessive traffic to and from a room, smell of alcohol, intoxicated residents leaving the room, viewing alcohol entering the room, reports of alcohol in the room or unit, verbal statements regarding alcohol and suspicion of drug use. The residence hall staff and Campus Security will take great care in evaluating the source and credibility of “reports of alcohol in the room or unit.”

Authorized personnel of the University, including employees, agents, contractors and invitees, may enter any residence facility, including a resident’s room, at any time for any of the following reasons: emergency, repair, maintenance, health and safety inspections, investigation of violations of this contract, University policies and regulations or investigation of violations of law or ordinances.

The staff will perform a “visual search” of the room, with the exception that all refrigerators may be searched and trash can lids maybe removed. In Nierling Hall and the apartments, the kitchen cupboards may also be searched. All rooms in suites are subject to a visual search. When a student is in his/her room and a policy violation is suspected, the residence hall staff will knock on the door and identify themselves. If the student does not answer the door, the residence hall staff will enter the room to check for a policy violation following the established search guidelines.

The residence hall staff can search students’ bags, backpacks, etc., at their discretion. All non-students shall be asked to show ID and shall be subject to allowing Campus Safety and the housing staff to inspect bags at all times, based on their good judgment and discretion.