XXII. Informal Resolution

A Complainant who has signed a formal complaint can request an informal resolution process, which both parties must voluntarily agree to before the University facilitates an informal resolution. A formal complaint needs to be signed for the formal grievance process or for an informal resolution. The University also reserves the option to offer informal resolution to both parties in certain circumstances. The informal resolution process is voluntary and both parties have to provide their written consent to participate in the process. The informal resolution process will not be allowed in reported incidents where an employee sexually harassed a student. The informal resolution does not involve a full investigation and adjudication provided that the University still provides the parties with written notice that discloses the allegations, the requirement of the informal resolution process, and that at any time prior to agreeing to a resolution, any party has the right to withdraw from the informal resolution process and resume the formal grievance process with respect to the formal complaint. Any consequence resulting from participating in the informal resolution process, including records, will not be shared as part of the formal grievance process, including at the live hearing.

The informal resolution process may include, but is not limited to, the following outcomes:

  1. Facilitated agreement between the Complainant and Respondent
  2. Formal restorative conference
  3. Informal restorative conference
  4. Counseling sessions
  5. Alcohol evaluation
  6. Extension of No Contact Order
  7. Completion of Education Plan