2024-2025 University Student Handbook


Requests for appeals must be submitted to the Dean in the Office of Student Affairs within three class days from the date of the original decision. Failure to appeal within the allotted time will render the original decision final and conclusive. Grounds for an appeal, as stated in the written request, shall be based upon either of the following:

  1. Specified procedural errors or errors in interpretation of University regulations were so substantial as to effectively deny the student a fair hearing.
  2. New and significant evidence became available which could not have been discovered by a properly diligent student before or during the original hearing.

In the absence of extraordinary or mitigating circumstances, which shall be judged by the committee, the severity of the sanction imposed by the hearing panel shall not constitute grounds for appellate review. All requests for appeals shall be reviewed by the Dean, who shall notify, in writing via official university email, all parties (referring party, referred party, and victims) involved of the results of that review. If the request for an appeal is denied, the original decision becomes final. If an appeal is granted, all parties involved shall be informed, in writing via official university email, that a review of the original decision is being conducted by an appellate panel. A written statement for the appellate review must be submitted to the Student Affairs Office within five class days from the date of the letter notifying the student that an appeal has been granted. Failure to submit a written statement within the allotted time will render the decision of the original board final and conclusive. Appeals shall be decided upon the record of the original proceeding and upon written statements submitted by the parties. Completely new hearings shall not be conducted by the appellate panel.

Appellate panels may:

  1. Affirm the finding and the sanction imposed by the original panel.
  2. Affirm the finding and potentially increase or reduce, but not eliminate, a sanction.
  3. Refer the case to a new student conduct panel.
  4. Dismiss the case. Cases may be dismissed only if the finding is held to be arbitrary and capricious. Ordinarily, cases will be referred to a new student conduct panel only in those instances in which the appeal has been granted because of new and significant evidence.

    Decisions of the appellate panel which include sanctions of suspension or expulsion shall be recommendations to the Dean. Decisions of the appellate panel which include a sanction of cancellation of housing contract shall be recommendations to the Dean and the Director of Residence Life. Decisions altering the determinations of all hearing panels shall be in writing via official university email. The imposition of sanctions will normally be deferred while appellate proceedings are pending at the discretion of the Dean. Cases involving academic dishonesty shall be reviewed by or appealed to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.