2024-2025 University Student Handbook

Student Conduct Process

If a student is involved in a possible violation of the student conduct code the following process will be utilized. This process is to be understood as common practice, but if circumstances dictate alternative investigations, hearings, and potential sanctions may be implemented at the discretion of the university.

  1. Incident is documented by university staff member
    1. Incident is documented by university staff member a. Incident Report is submitted to Campus Safety.
    2. Additional reports and documentation (pictures, texts, recordings, etc.) are also sent to the above.
  2. Appropriate Student Affairs staff member determines if Incident Report merits a conduct hearing for each individual listed on Incident Report
    1. If a hearing is to take place, the case is assigned to conduct hearing officer.
    2. Case officer will issue written or email notifications to students involved. Notification will contain a list of the policies being investigated, and a time and location where the judicial hearing will occur. Students shall receive this notification at least three days in advance.
  3. Conduct Hearing
    1. Assigned hearing officer will hold the meeting at the designated time and location.
    2. Hearing officer will review all documented information associated with the case.
    3. Hearing officer will allow the student to read the Incident Report and offer testimony on their behalf.
    4. Hearing officer will determine outcome of case within reasonable amount of time.
      1. Hearing officer will issue written or email outcome letters to student.
      2. Hearing officer will inform student of their appeal rights.
    5. Hearing officer will record case information (Incident report & supporting documents), along with conduct hearing notes & case outcome into judicial database.
  4. Appeals
    1. Appeals must be submitted to the Dean within three class days of the original decision.
    2. Appeal hearing officer/committee will review the case and determine if appeal will be granted or denied. Outcomes include:
      1. Affirm the finding and the sanction imposed by the original panel.
      2. Affirm the finding and potentially increase or reduce, but not eliminate a sanction.
      3. Refer the case to a new student conduct committee.
      4. Dismiss the case.

Listed below are examples of sanctions assessed to the most common violations: these should be read broadly and are not designed to define sanctions in exhaustive or absolute terms.

  • Use of illegal drugs: educational programs (student pays fees associated), random testing, possible removal from campus housing, suspension or expulsion from the university.
  • Alcohol: First offense - educational programs (student pays fees associated), research/writing on topic
  • Alcohol: Second offense - any of the above plus fines ($100) and community service may also be imposed.
  • Alcohol: Third offense - any of the above plus fines ($200), possible removal from campus housing, addiction assessment and follow up.
  • Vandalism: cost to repair plus possible fine, community service.
  • Tobacco use: tobacco cessation classes, fine for repeat offenses.
  • Disrespectful behavior: $50 fine, community service.
  • All fines must be paid by the date indicated in the sanction letter or the amount assessed will be doubled and added to the student’s account at the Business Office.

In addition to the sanction examples listed above, students who are responsible for violating the UJ Standards of Conduct will be assigned to one of three conduct categories. Each successive conduct category is indicative of increasing level of severity and resulting concern based upon the combination of the severity of the violation in question, and any associated prior history and record in complying with sanctions resulting from previous violations. Each conduct category is associated with guidelines for sanctioning deemed appropriate to that particular category.

Category A: A student is assigned to Category A status when they are responsible for the lowest level of violations of UJ Standards of Conduct. A student may accumulate up to two Category A violations (of any kind) and still remain this category. However, a third Category A type violation will result in the student progressing to Category B status. Sanctions appropriate for Category A include (but are not limited to): warnings; monetary fines; restitution; mediation; community building activities with those negatively affected by the violation; counseling; volunteer service and/or educational projects. Students who fail to complete sanctions required as a result of a Category A violation within the prescribed time period will automatically progress to Category B and will be subject to additional conditions for failure to comply by the stated deadline indicated by the Dean’s Office.

Category B: A student is assigned to Category B when they are responsible for mid-level violations of UJ Standards of Conduct. Violations appropriate for Category B include (but are not limited to): any lesser violation where there are extenuating circumstances meriting a higher level; a second violation of the university’s alcohol policy or first violation of the university’s policy on illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia when the violation is possession of a small amount of marijuana or drug paraphernalia. Sanctions appropriate for Category B include (but are not limited to): potential parental/guardian notification for alcohol or controlled substance violations as permitted by FERPA; monetary fines; restitution; counseling; behavioral contracts; community building; re-assignment from campus residence facilities and/or loss of privileges for a period of 1 to 15 weeks (not including semester break, spring break, Summer Term, summer or any other time the student is not enrolled). Loss of privileges at Category B can include loss of the right to participate in student sponsored activities, intramurals, and/or use of campus facilities. Students who fail to complete sanctions required as a result of a Category B violation within the prescribed time period will automatically progress to Category C and will be subject to additional conditions for failure to comply by the stated deadline indicated by the Dean’s Office.

Category C: A student is assigned to Category C when they are responsible for higher-level violations of UJ Standards of Conduct. Appropriate for Category C include (but are not limited to): any lesser violation where there are extenuating circumstances meriting a higher level; a third or more violation of the university’s alcohol policy; or a second violation of the university’s policy on illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia when the violation is possession of a small amount of marijuana or drug paraphernalia; or a first violation of the university’s policy on illegal drugs considered to be a major violation. At Category C, the student’s eligibility to participate in extra-curricular activities is automatically and immediately suspended until such time as the student makes satisfactory progress, as determined by the Dean, in completing sanctions required. Other sanctions which apply to students at Category C include (but are not limited to): automatic parental/guardian notification for alcohol and drug violations as permitted by FERPA; restitution for damages; monetary fines; loss of eligibility to live in student housing; and loss of any other student privileges for up to 32 weeks (not including semester breaks, spring break, or any other time school is not in session or any period when the student is not enrolled in a class). Students who fail to complete sanctions required as a result of a Category C violation within the prescribed time period will be subject to additional conditions for failure to comply by the stated deadline indicated by the Dean’s Office. The Dean has the authority to impose any condition or sanction determined appropriate up to suspension or expulsion.


Student athletes in violation of the UJ Standards of Conduct and/or in violation of state laws off-campus may also be subject to disciplinary action by the Athletic Department.

Interim Suspension/Show Cause

An interim suspension and/or loss of privileges may be imposed upon a student or student organization. The Dean may suspend a student or student organization for an interim period pending student conduct proceedings or medical evaluation. The University shall give the accused student a “show cause” to provide the student with the opportunity to demonstrate why the interim action should not take place or remain in effect. Such an interim suspension and/or loss of privileges, including removal from housing, is to become immediately effective without prior notice, whenever there is evidence that the continued presence of the student or student organization on the University campus poses a substantial threat to himself or herself or to others or to the stability and continuance of normal University functions.


Any person (faculty, staff or student) may refer in a timely manner to the Dean a student or a student organization suspected of violating the UJ Standards of Conduct Code. Persons making such referrals are required to provide information pertinent to the case and will normally be expected to appear before a student conduct board.

Action in Courts

The Dean will seek to monitor civil or criminal court cases involving UJ students where serious breaches of the law are involved. The University reserves the right to initiate disciplinary action while court action is pending. However, the University may delay disciplinary action until the court action is completed.