2024-2025 University Student Handbook


One or more of the following sanctions may be imposed for violations of the UJ Standards of Conduct. Several factors may be considered when determining an appropriate sanction. Such factors to be considered shall be the present demeanor and past student conduct record of the offender, as well as the nature of the offense and the severity of any damage, injury or resulting harm.

  1. Expulsion

    Expulsion constitutes permanent separation of the student from this University. Any student who is expelled shall not be entitled to any tuition or fee refund.

  2. Suspension

    Suspension involves separation of the student from the University for a specified period of time. In particular cases, the student may also be barred from University premises and University associated events or activities during the period of suspension.

  3. Disciplinary Probation

    Disciplinary probation is imposed for a specified period of time. The student on disciplinary probation may be subjected to additional restrictions or obligations during the probationary period. For example, students may be required to consult with a counselor and the Residence Life Office. A sanction of suspension or expulsion will be strongly considered for any student who is found responsible of violating the UJ Standards of Conduct while on disciplinary probation.

  4. Disciplinary Reprimand

    Disciplinary reprimand involves formal written warning to the student or student organization that further misconduct may result in more severe disciplinary action.

  5. Organizational Dissolution

    Organizational dissolution is a sanction imposed only upon student organizations found guilty of serious and/or repeated violations of these standards. The sanction involves permanent withdrawal of recognition by the University, denial of the use of University facilities or funds, and official dissolution of the organization on the campus.

  6. Restitution

    Restitution may be imposed on students whose violation of these standards has involved monetary loss or damage. Restitution becomes a financial obligation to the University and either full payment or an agreement for partial payment according to a schedule agreed to by the Dean is required before the student may register for classes again, or in the case of seniors, before the student may graduate.

  7. Cancellation of Housing Contract

    A student’s housing contract may be canceled if the seriousness of the violation warrants such action. Any student who has his/her housing contract canceled shall not be entitled to any housing deposit or fee refund.

  8. Suspension of Group

    Suspension shall consist of the withdrawal of an organization’s recognition by the University for a stated period of time when an organization is found to have violated regulations. Suspension shall result in complete suspension of the activities of the group during the stated period of time and may also include conditions for removal of suspension.

  9. Other Sanctions

    Sanctions other than those described above may be imposed for violations of the university conduct standards according to the judgment of the Student Conduct Administrators and where applicable the appropriate Dean. For example, cases of academic dishonesty may lead to vacating of grades or extra work assignments. In other instances, students’ participation in extracurricular or athletic activities may be limited. In response to other violations, sanctions may be imposed such as constructive work assignments, community service, educational conferences, referral to educational programs (e.g., Alcohol Education Program), fines or other appropriate sanctions.